Hello I am currently pursuing B.TECH in Information Technology from GGSIPU. I am a tech enthusiast who loves to solve pervailing real world problems with help of technology.My interest lies in problem solving and web development.Passionate to learn MERN stack.I am always ready to learn new tech stack.My passion for technology push me everyday to learn and solve different problems. I am aspiring to be a successfull SDE who can serve her company as well as nation.
Download My ResumeDesigned a responsive web app using HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT
Designed an animated car using CSS and JAVASCRIPT Used keyframes to add animation to wheels, body of car and track. Shaking of the car is done by using a translate function inside keyframes to make the car seem as if it is accelerating. Added an audio on loop using JAVASCRIPT function
an app using Unity and Vuforia Engine.This app is perfect for pandemic as it eliminates the physical contact. It allows its users to read the essential information without having to touch the product which has been touched and analysed by many customers
This is a Weather web application. Fetches weather information of the present day using weather API. LINK It changes the background according to the weather the current location has. This is useful for people who cannot read ,so they can visually see the weather their location has
Designed a responsive analog time clock.
CRUD application where user cann create,updat and delete the information.
I am a technology enthusiast! I am GHC scholarship receipent for 2021.I am a competitive coder. I love to solve problems using data structures and algorithms.I want to become a leading software developer. I constantly help and motivate others. I am not a pessimist who sees the difficulty in esituation rather an optimist who searches for solutions and a way out of difficult situations. I am a person whom anyone can rely on and I try my utmost to help ones in need. I love to explore different fields and experiment.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ut, culpa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ut, culpa.
Technical Content Writing Internship at REACES
Wrote various step by step articles on java with programs and outputs
Content Writing Internship at SUBBONS. Developed various articles for quora,fandom wire,Animated times using wordpress.Wrote articles on almost every topic from coronavirus to freight industry.
Scholarship receipent of the World's Largest Conference for Women in Tech i.e., GHC for the year 2021.
Participated in Hacktober Fest and won swags
Cleared basic Dsa skill test on hackerrank
Highest rating on codechef-1418
Two Star on leetcode
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